Project title: Creating an innovative platform for operational security of financial entities based on advanced machine learning mechanisms.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Program 2014-2020.
Project developed as part of the National Research and Development Center competition: Fast Track.
Project purpose: Developing an operational security platform for financial entities based on advanced machine learning mechanisms.
Expected effect: Creating INCAT FAAS AI, an innovative platform for operational. Creating INCAT FAAS AI, an innovative platform for operational security of financial entities based on advanced machine learning mechanisms offered in the SaaS model (Software as a Service), dedicated primarily to FinTech and Challenger Banks.
Beneficiary: INCAT Sp. z o.o.
Project value: 8 267 875,00 zł
Contribution of European Funds: 5 823 095,00 zł